TMtxVec object function list
TMtxVec object:
Abstract object. All listed functions support: real and complex numbers (where appropriate). Most functions are overloaded, to minimize the number of parameters required.
For comprehensive help file please see the online documentation of MtxVec for Delphi/C++ Builder or MtxVec for Visual Studio .NET
Introduced methods
Function | Description |
Abs | Absolute values. |
ArcCos | The inverse cosine. |
ArcCosh | Inverse hyperbolic cosine. |
ArcCot | Inverse cotangens. |
ArcCoth | Inverse hyperbolic cotangens. |
ArcCsc | Inverse cosecant. |
ArcCsch | Inverse hyperbolic cosecant. |
ArcSec | Inverse secant. |
ArcSech | Inverse hyperbolic secant. |
ArcSin | The inverse sine. |
ArcSinh | Inverse hyperbolic sine. |
ArcTan | Inverse tangens. |
ArcTan2 | Inverse tangens of Y/X. |
ArcTanh | Inverse hyperbolic tangens. |
BlockInit | Initializes block processing. |
BlockNext | Obtains the next subrange of the data. |
CartToPolar | Converts elements from cartesian to polar coordinate form. |
Cbrt | The cube root. |
Ceil | Rounds towards positive infinity. |
Clear | Sets vector size to zero. |
CondDisable | Saves the current value of ConditionCheck property and sets it to false. |
CondEnable | Sets the ConditionCheck property to whatever it was before the CondDisable was used. |
Conj | Conjugate. |
Copy | Copy object values. |
CopyBinaryFromArray | |
CopyFromArray | Copies values from an array. |
CopyToArray | Copy values to an array. |
Cos | Cosine. |
Cosh | Hyperbolic cosine. |
Cot | Cotangens. |
Coth | Hyperbolic cotangens. |
CplxToReal | Split complex calling object in real and imaginary part. |
Csc | Cosecant. |
Csch | Hyperbolic cosecant. |
DisableSelect | Prevents calls to Select . |
DisableSubrange | Prevents calls to SetSubRange . |
EnableSelect | Enables calls to Select . |
EnableSubrange | Enables calls to SetSubRange . |
Exp | Exponent (e^). |
Exp10 | Exponent base 10 (10^). |
Exp2 | Exponent base 2 (2^). |
Expj | A complex exponential e^(j* W ). |
ExtendToComplex | Extends a real object to a complex object. |
Find | Finds a match for X in object values. |
First | First element in object Values array. |
Firstc | First element in object CValues array. |
FixAngle | Sets angle in [-2p,2p] . |
Flip | Flips the real and imaginary part of complex numbers. |
FlipConj | Flips the real and imaginary part of complex numbers and conjugates the complex numbers. |
FloatToInt | Converts object values from float to integer. |
Floor | Rounds towards negative infinity. |
Frac | Fractional part of values. |
FreeToCache | Frees the object. |
ImagPart | Gets the imaginary part of a complex object. |
IntPower | Power (integer exponent). |
IntToFloat | Converts object values from integer to float. |
Inv | Inverse elements. |
InvCbrt | The inverse of cube root 1/(v)^1/3. |
InvSqrt | The inverse of square root 1/(v)^1/2. |
IsEqual | Compares two objects and returns True, if they are equal. |
Last | Last element in object Values array. |
Lastc | Last complex element in object CValues array. |
Ln | Natural logarithm. |
LoadFromFile | Reads the header information and the values array content from the file. |
LoadFromStream | Reads the header information and the values array content from a stream. |
Log10 | Log base 10. |
Log2 | Log base 2. |
LogN | Log base N. |
Mag | Magnitude. |
Mul | Multiply object elements with Value. |
MulI | Multiply elements by imaginary unit. |
Normalize | Normalize object. |
PCValues1D | Obtaines a pointer to the complex value of the vector at Index. |
PhaseSpectrum | The phase angles (spectrum) of object elements. |
PIValues1D | Obtaines a pointer to the real value of the vector at Index. |
PolarToCart | Converts the polar magnitude/phase pairs to cartesian pairs. |
Power | Raises base object elements to any power. |
PowerSpectrum | The power spectrum from object complex values. |
PowerVec | Raises Base object elements to Exponent object elements power. |
Product | Elements product. |
Productc | Elements product. |
PValues1D | Obtaines a pointer to the real value of the vector at Index. |
RandGauss | The pseudo random sample generator with Gaussian distribution. |
RandUniform | The pseudo random sample generator with continuous uniform distribution. |
ReadHeader | Reads the header information from a stream to object. |
ReadValues | Read values content from stream to object. |
RealPart | Gets real part of complex object values. |
RealToCplx | Constructs a complex object from two real objects. |
Rem | The Reminder after division X/Y. |
Replace | Search and replace a value. |
Reset | Resets object properties to default values. |
RMS | Root mean square (RMS). |
Round | Elements rounded to the nearest whole number. |
SaveToFile | Write object header and values to a file. |
SaveToStream | Writes the header information and the Values content to a stream. |
Scale | Multiply object elements with Value. |
Scatter | Scatter object elements. |
ScatterByIncr | |
ScatterByIndexes | |
ScatterByMask | |
Sec | Secant. |
Sech | Hyperbolic secant. |
Select | Selects a set of elements from the vector. |
SelectAll | Resets any defined selection. |
SetCplx | Sets object complex values. |
SetDouble | Sets object values (double). |
SetFullRange | Resets any defined subrange. |
SetInteger | Sets object values (integer). |
SetIt | Sets object values. |
SetSingle | Sets object values (single). |
SetSubIndex | Defines a subarray. |
SetSubRange | Defines a sub vector/matrix. |
SetVal | Initialize elements to Value. |
SetZero | Initializes object elements to zero. |
Sgn | Signum. |
Sign | Changes elements sign. |
Sin | Sine. |
SinCos | Sine and cosine. |
Sinh | Hyperbolic sine. |
SinhCosh | Hyperbolic sine and cosine. |
Size | Size the object. |
SizeToArray | Sizes the array. |
Sqr | Square. |
Sqrt | Square toot. |
StdDev | Standard deviation. |
Sum | Sums vector values. |
Sumc | Sum (complex value). |
Tan | Tangens. |
Tanh | Hyperbolic tangens. |
ThreshBottom | Threshold bottom operation. |
ThresholdGT | Threshold greater than operation Perform operation on all calling object values. |
ThresholdGT_LT | Threshold greater than and less than operation. |
ThresholdLT | Threshold less than operation. |
ThreshTop | Threshold top operation. |
Trunc | Rounds a real number towards zero. |
TruncAndFrac | Rounds a real number towards zero and returns the fractional part. |
WriteHeader | Writes the header information for the calling vector to a stream. |
WriteValues | Writes object Values content to a stream. |