MtxVec and Stats Master Case Studies
Listed below are several real-life case studies analyzed with our products. The examples are coded for Delphi, C++ Builder and C#. personalities.
Case study: Thermal Expansion of Copper
Topic: Non-linear regression
This case study illustrates the use of a class of nonlinear models called rational function models.
Case study: Ultrasonic Reference Block Study
Topic: Non-linear regression
This example ilustrates the construction of a non-linear regression model for ultrasonic calibration data.
Case study: Load Cell Calibration
Topic: Linear regression
This example illustrates the construction of a linear regression model for load cell data that relates a known load applied to a load cell to the deflection of the cell.
Case study: PCA in financial analysis
Topic: Principal Component Analysis
PCA in financial analysis: The example demonstrates how to use PCA in identifying most variable currencies.
Case study: Goal Seeking
Topic: Goal seeking
This example demostrates how to use optimization routines to perform goal seeking.
Case study: Simplex with bounded constraints
Topic: Non-linear regression
Example demostrates how to use optimization routines to perform non-linear fit on Z=Z(k,a,b|X1,X2).