Stats Master Release History
New features and changes for v6.2.2 for .NET (May 2024)
- Support for Visual Studio 2022 v17.9.3
- Support for .NET Framework v2.0, .NET Core 7.0 and 8.0 (lower .NET versions only with older versions).
- Support for TeeChart v 2024.15.3
- Updated for Dew.Math 6.2
- Bug fix for MannWhitneyTest
- Rewritten the ARMA MLE fitting and the forecasting function used by ARIMA.
- Fixed a bug when fitting parameters of the Fisher random distribution.
- Added vectorized version of the Fisher PDF.
New features and changes for v6.2.0 (November 2023)
- Support for Rad Studio Athens 12.0
- Added ARIMA Trend decomposition example.
- Bug fix for MannWhitneyTest.
- Updated for MtxVec v6.2.0
New features and changes for v6.1.0 (June 2022)
- Android 11 tagged pointer support.
Time-series forecasting:
- Rewritten ARMAForecast
- Rewritten ARMAMLE
- Added new trend decomposition ARIMA example to Stats Master demo.
- Added Durbin-Watson statistics.
New features and changes for v6.0.5 (September 2021)
- Added support for RAD Studio 11 Alexandria
New features and changes for v6.0.4 (July 2021)
- Initial release of the Stats Master for .NET Core 5.0 rewritten in C#.
New features and changes for v6.0.4 (March 2021)
- Fixed a bug when fitting parameters of the Fisher random distribution.
- Vectorized version of the Fisher PDF.
New features and changes for v6.0.4 (March 2021)
- Bug fix for Stepwise multiple regression when running with enabled assertions (debug mode).
New features and changes for v6.0.1 (June 2020)
- Support for Sydney 10.4 and matching MtxVec v6 features.
New features and changes for v6.0 (March 2020)
- Matching MtxVec v6 with features.
- Added C++Builder support across all features.
New features and changes for v6.0 (February 2020)
- Support for Rad Studio XE10.3 Rio Update 3 and Android64 compiler.
- Support for combined (either double or single) precision where meaningfull.
New features and changes for v5.3.2 (December 2018)
- Support for Rad Studio XE10.3 Rio
- Installer support for FMX and Delphi platforms.
New features and changes for v5.3.1 (January 2018)
- New stepwise multiple linear regression component TMtxStepwiseReg. Suport for forward, backward and exhaustive search.
- Support for Linux in Rad Studio XE10.2 Tokyo (Update 2). The following units are functional in Linux: RegModels, Regress, Statistiscs, StatRandom and StatTools
- Bug fix for NegBinomPDF and NegBinomCDFInv (numerical stability)
- .NET bug fix for Marquardt optimization method (giving rise to "complement of two.." type of error).
- GeometricFit fix for confidence interval estimation.
New features and changes for v5.2 (May 2017)
- Updated for MtxVec v5.2 (Intel IPP and MKL update).
- Support for Rad Studio XE10.2 Tokyo.
New features and changes for v5.1.1 (September 2016)
- Updated for MtxVec v5.1.1 (Intel IPP and MKL update).
- Performance improvement for PairwiseDistance function (L2 norm) by roughly 10x.
New features and changes for v5.1 (May 2016)
- Updated for MtxVec v5.1 (Intel IPP v9 update and Intel MKL update).
- Cross platform support for FireMonkey on iOS, OS X and Android.
- Support for old and new C++Builder 32bit and 64bit compilers.
- Support for XE10.1 and related TeeChart updates.
New features and changes for v5.02 (April 2015)
- Updated for MtxVec v5.02 (Performance Enhancements, Android support).
- Update to Stats Master demo for FireMonkey to run also on Android tablets.
- Support for XE8 and related TeeChart updates.
New features and changes for v5.0 (December 2014)
- Update for MtxVec v5. All features are now available optionally also with full source pascal code running at lower speed, but with cross-platform portability.
- Updated for FireMonkey XE7.
New features and changes for v4.4 (September 2014)
- Added support for XE7.
New features and changes for v4.4 (February 2014)
- Added support for FireMonkey including all UI controls, Demo and TeeChart support from including XE5 forward.
- Fixed double and tripple exponential smoothing.
- Fixed a potential round off error with two-level full factorial design.
- Added new faster overload for histogram computation.
New features and changes for v4.1 (October 2011)
- Updated for TeeChart Pro 2011 and Delphi/C++Builder XE2 including support for 64bit compiler.
New features and changes for v4.0 (June 2010):
Statistics.pas, Regress.pas
- Fixed GrubbsTest
- Fixed bug with RegressTest and Constant param
- Fixed bug with TBiPlot demo
- Updated for TeeChart 2010 and Delphi/C++Builder 2010.
New features and changes for v3.5 (September 2008):
- Support for Delphi 2009 and CBuilder 2009
- New help files.
- Hypothesis test - fixed hypothesis result when test statistics was Inf or Nan.
- Several changes in Covatiance and CorrCoef implementation (vectorized)
- Fixed several bugs in A-D test. [StatTools.pas]
- GOFKolmogorov bug fixed.
- Fixed Q-Q plot when plotting only one dataset.
New features and changes for v3.0 (June 2007):
- Improved random generators.
- Added Gumbel, Triangular, Erlang distribution random number generators.
- Changed implementation for all random generators to allow either use of MtxVec.Random.dll or "inhouse"
- simplified random generators.
- More examples, including C# an C++ examples.
- All examples have been updated with the new Vector/Matrix syntax.
- New HtmlHelp 2 format support. Now F1 works again.
- Added Chi-Squared distribution parameter estimate (ChiSquareFit).
- Added Cauchy distribution MLE parameter estimates (CauchyFit).
- Added Erlang distribution parameter estimates (ErlangFit).
- Added Laplace distribution MLE parameter estimates (LaplaceFit).
- Added Negative Binomial distribution parameter estimates (NegBinomFit).
- Expanded regression routines.
- Added PRESS and R2 functions.
- Several bug fixes.
New features and changes for v2.1 (May 2006):
- Several new routines for handling/manipulating time series.
- New tests for normal distribution, detecting outliers, etc.
- Improved examples and help files.
- Several bug fixes.
- Added Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodnes of fit test (one and two sample).
- Added empirical cumulative distribution function.
- Chi2 GOF test: added support for log-normal and uniform distribution.
- Added ZScores for vector.
- Added Bera-Jarque test of composite normality.
- Added Grubbs's test for outliers.
- Several bugs in routine Histogram fixed.
- Added single moving average function.
- Added sigle, double and triple exponential smoothing routines.
- Added sigle, double and triple exponential forecasting routines.
- Added ARMA/ARIMA simulation routines.
- Added ARMA/ARIMA estimation (MLE) routines.
- Added ARMA/ARIMA forecasting routines.
- Added Yule-Walker AR coefficients estimation.
- Added Burg AR coefficients estimation.
- Added Innovations ARMA and MA coefficients estimation.
- Added innovations and Durbin-Levinson algorithms.
- Added ARAR model fitting and forecasting routines.
- Added Box-Cox and inverse Box-Cox transformation.
- Added rational model fit.
- Added logistic model fit.
- Added Poisson regression.
- Added tMtxBinaryTest component for performing one and two test(s) binary diagnostic test.
- Added several new examples demonstrating time series analysis routines..
New features and changes for v2.0 (December 2005):
- The demo now compiles with VCL.NET.
- Fixed a memory leak for the custom editors.
- Support for Delphi 2005, 2006 W32 and .NET personalities and updated recompile tool.
New features and changes in v2.0 (May 2005):
- Compatible with MtxVec v2.
- Support for .NET.
- Support for SSE3 instruction set.
- Substantial increase in number of optimized primitive functions and methods via MtxVec v2.
- Improved range checking and programmer safety.
- Several bug fixes.
- Enhanced and more customizable routines.
New features and changes in v1.1 (June 2002):
- Added Chi-Squared and F tests for comparing variance(s).
- Added Spearman rank correlation test.
- Added LogNormalFit routine for fitting log-normally distributed values.
- Fixed the internal TiedRank routine (in some special cases ranks were not calculated correctly) and moved it to public section.
- Added autocovariance, autocorrelation and partial autocorellation functions.
- Added Chi2 Goodness of fit test routines.
- Added Shapiro-Wilks and Shapiro-Francia Goodness of fit test routines.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Added control limits calculation for R-Chart.
- Added EWMA chart calculation.
- Removed the probability axis tool. Now the relevant code is included in probability series (simplified code - see updated example in Statistics demo).
- Fixed R2 calculation for Constant := false case.
- Added logistic (simple and ordinal) regression routines.
- Minor bug fixes
- New TMtxLogistReg component which encapsulates logistic regression routines.
Initial release of Statistics for MtxVec 1.0 (July 2001)
Fixed a potential round off error with two-level full factorial design.