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MtxVec for Delphi/C++ Builder

Multicore math engine for science and engineering

MtxVec is an object oriented numerical library for Delphi and C++ Builder developers with complete matrix/vector arithmetic. It features a large set of vectorized mathemathical functions which cover complex numbers, sparse matrices, math parser, probabilities, optimization unit, SVD, QR, LQ, and LU solvers, special functions, and more. All applications based on this library take advantage of CPU-specific code optimization and symmetric multiprocessing. Efficient memory and CPU cache management further enhance its performance.


  • Use pure pascal (100% full source code) or high performance external dlls
  • With FireMonkey use common source to compile your applications for Windows, Mac OS, iOS / iPhone, Android and Linux. The full source version is called MtxVec Core Edition.
  • Full hardware acceleration for Windows (32 and 64bit) and for Linux OS (64bit).
  • Maps to native OS math lib on Android, iOS, MacOS and Linux for maximum speed of scalar math functions.
  • Comprehensive mapping to Apple's Accelerator pack for all functions on iOS and MacOS for maximum performance on all Apples devices. (The Accelerator pack includes all LAPACK functions among many other features).
  • Runs natively on Apples devices with Intel x86 and Apple M1 CPUs without the need for Rosetta.
  • Supports a large set of compilers from Delphi XE3 up to latest Rad Studio XE Alexandria (v11). FireMonkey support requires at least XE 10.3.
  • Operator overloading support for vectors and matrices from including Delphi 2006 and C++Builder 2006.
  • Super conductive memory management allows linear scaling of numerical algorithms with number of cores when multithreading.
  • 64bit compiler support for Embarcadero Delphi XE2 and later.
  • 64bit compiler support for Embarcadero C++Builder XE4 and later.
  • Brute-force K-NN algorithm with excellent performance
  • Powerfull scripting support with Matlab/Scilab like syntax and roughly 3x faster than Python (or other scripting languages) for vector/matrix math.
  • Includes Debugger Visualizer, a debugger plug-in for faster debugging of numerical algorithms.
  • Ability to select the floating point precision (single or double), in which to run the algorithm, at run-time.
  • Provides and uses a fair critical section to support linear scaling with core count when multi-threading.
  • Allows higher performance with the use of compound expressions.
  • Support for 4GB address space for 32bit applications under 64bit OS and 3GB address space for 32bit OS. For more info how to enable this support for your project see here.
Most users observe typical performance improvements of 2x to 3x for vector functions, but speed increases up to 10x are often obtained. The matrix multiplication, for example, is up to 20x faster. Many times we can speed-up customers algorithms by 100-200x by rewriting with MtxVec.

Product features depending on Delphi/C++Builder version

C++Builder only specific features

TVec and TMtx classes are written in Delphi and C++ Builder generates appropriate header files automatically. However C++ syntax allows more flexible language constructs than pascal. MtxVecCpp.h is designed to merge native C++ coding style and part of MtxVec library, which is coded in Delphi. C++ developers may easily declare vectors and matrices as local variables and enjoy the support for operator overloading. For detailed information see C++ Builder specific features of MtxVec

MtxVec for Delphi/C++ Builder screenshots

Displaying large amounts of data

Displaying large amounts of data

Superconductive memory manager

Superconductive memory manager

Linear and cubic interpolation

Linear and cubic interpolation

Order MtxVec for Delphi/C++ Builder

The trial versions of all our products (MtxVec, FFT Properties, Dew Math Library, Dew Lab Studio) can be used for unlimited time if used for educational purposes. All products can be purchased on-line via Share-it registration service or by direct wire transfer.

License for MtxVec covers all MtxVec versions. This includes versions 1.51, 2.1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. Registered users have their upgrade options listed on their private download pages. All prices in USD are fixed. Prices in EUR can adjust according to the exchange rate every 1st of the month. Purchase orders can be mailed or emailed directly to our address. Products can be order with source code or without source code. The price of subscription renewal per year is equal for both options.

Download Trial Version

We packed all our products (MtxVec, DSP, Statistics and Data Miner) into a single Dew Lab Studio installer. The trial version of MtxVec compiles fine with Standard, Proffesional and Enterprise edition of the official Delphi/C++Builder release. MtxVec trial versions will not compile with trial versions of Delphi/CBuilder. The older version (v1.51) can be used with older compilers also. The license for MtxVec includes all MtxVec versions.