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MtxVec v6
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Dew Lab Studio
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MtxVec v6 + DSP Master
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MtxVec v6 + Stats Master
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The taxes for online payments are managed automatically by Stripe. European companies can enter their VAT number on the order form and if the number is valid, the VAT will not be charged to them. Within EU, there are no taxes for B2B orders. For USA, we are currently not exceeding sales tax nexus in any of the states. In case of case, drop us an email and we will help you organize a setup, that will work for you.
Important note
All source provided is © 1997-2025 by Dew Research. No source can be distributed in part or whole without written permission by DewResearch. The source for MtxVec includes only the source written in pascal. Vector/matrix operations call external routines contained in dll's, for basic operations like array add, subtract, multiply etc...,to allow MtxVec to take advantage of the latest CPU designs. Read more about advantages of this design in Assembly level optimization topic.