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DSP Master - Signal processing package screenshots

Screen shots of component editors:

The most powerful component is TSpectrumAnalyzer. It includes numerous spectral estimation methods, windowing methods, frequency domain integration/differentiation and more:


Averaging methods include: linear and exponential averaging, finite or infinite, of the complex spectrum or of the amplitude spectrum:


The spectrum analyzer provides many peak interpolation algorithms and several different methods for automatic peak selection. The peaks can also be searched for only within a specified frequency region. The strategies to find the peaks include: find the fundamental and then N harmonics, find the new position of the previously marked peak and find N largest peaks:

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Frequency bands allow definition of any number of frequency regions on which the RMS is to be estimated. The estimate is accurate with any time domain window function, zero padding factor or spectrum type:

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Order tracking allows normalization of the frequency axis to reflect orders of the fundamental frequency:

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Phase unwraping algorithm allows many different representations of the phase:

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Higher order spectral analysis can estimate complete bicoherence/bispectrum or just spectrums at selected frequencies:All standard peak marking/interpolation/selection features of the standard frequency analyzer are also available:

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Cross spectral analysis gives you the ability to view the results in real time. The component provides: cross spectrum, input spectrum, output spectrum, transfer function and coherence estimation. All standard peak marking/interpolation/selection features of the standard frequency analyzer are also available:

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With a signle user interface, the user can design all IIR filter types (butter, chebyshev I,II, elliptic, bessel), (lowpass, highpass, bandpass, bandstop) and use automatic order estimation. Windowed FIR and remez exchange filter design methods are also supported. A special feature of the Remez algorithm is its ability to design linear phase Integrators, double integrators and double differentirators:

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Band definitions can be made for all standard filter types and comb filters to be designed with Parks-McClellan algorithm:

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Signal generator component features stack based vectorized function evaluation:

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Spectrum mark tool controls peak marking, filtering and label formating on the frequency spectrum:

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Axis scale tool enables additional axis scale options:

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Two new TeeChart series are also included: Draw discrete signals:

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Draw signal overview:

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