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TMtx object function list

TMtx object

All listed functions support: real and complex numbers (where appropriate). Most functions are overloaded, to minimize the number of parameters required.

The class is derived from TDenseMtxVec.

For comprehensive help file please see the online documentation of MtxVec for Delphi/C++ Builder or MtxVec for Visual Studio .NET

Introduced Methods

AddTensorProd Calculates the tensor product of two vectors and adds the result to the calling matrix.
Adjung Adjungate matrix.
BandedToDense Convert banded matrix to dense.
Cholesky Test if the matrix is semi positive definite.
ColExchange Exchange matrix columns.
Concat Concatenate an array of matrices to single matrix.
ConcatHorz Concenates an array of matrices horizontally.
ConcatVert Concenates an array of matrices vertically.
Convolve Performs finite, linear convolution of two two-dimensional signals.
Copy Copies the matrix.
CopyFromArray Copies the matrix from a 2D array.
CopyToArray Copies matrix values to a 2D array.
CopyVec Copies values from vector to a matrix.
Create Create a new TMtx object.
CreateFromCache Obtain a pointer to a matrix from object cache.
CumSum Cumulative sum for each of the matrix columns.
DenseToBanded Convert dense matrix to banded.
DetectMtxType Determines type of the matrix.
Determinant Determinant of squared matrix.
Diag Sets the matrix diagonal to values from the vector.
Eig Calculates matrix eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
EigGen Performs the reduction of the symmetric-definite generalized eigenvalues/eigenvectors problem to the normal eigenvalue case.
Equal Compares two matrices.
Eye Constructs an eye matrix.
FFT1D Forward parallel in-place 1D FFT.
FFT1DFromReal Forward parallel in-place 1D FFT from real to complex.
FFT2D Forward two-dimentional Fast Fourier Transformation from real/complex to complex.
FFT2DFromReal Forward two-dimentional Fast Fourier Transformation for real numbers.
FlipHor Flips the matrix elements horizontally.
FlipVer Flips the matrix elements vertically Flip calling matrix elements vertically - element [j, col] = element [Rows-j, col].
IFFT1D Inverse parallel in-place 1D FFT.
IFFT1DToReal Inverse parallel in-place 1D FFT from complex to real.
IFFT2D Inverse two-dimentional Fast Fourier Transformation from complex to complex.
IFFT2DToReal Inverse two-dimentional Fast Fourier Transformation from complex to real.
Inv Calculates matrix inverse (Mtx^-1).
InvElem The inverse of matrix elements.
Kron The Kronecker product between two vectors.
LowerTriangle Constructs lower triangular matrix.
LQR QR or LQ factorization.
LQRSolve Solve overdetermined or underdetermined system of real linear equations.
LU General LU, Cholesky or Bunch-Kaufmann factorization.
LUSolve Solves system of linear equations by using LU factorization.
MeanCols Calculates the mean value of each of the matrix columns.
MeanRows Calculates the mean value of each of the matrix rows.
MtxFunction Compute matrix function as a function of another matrix.
MtxIntPower Calculates the matrix to integer power.
MtxPower Calculates the matrix to any power, real or integer.
MtxSqrt Calculates the square root of the matrix.
Mul Matrix multiplication.
MulElem Matrix array multiplication.
Norm1 Calculates the matrix norm-1.
NormFro Calculates the matrix Frobenius norm.
NormInf Calculates the matrix infinity norm.
Pascl Constructs a Pascal matrix.
PCValues Returns a pointer to the complex value stored at Row and Col.
PixelDownSample Creates a reduced size dense matrix for screen display (bitmap) to show the matrix pattern.
PowerMtx Raises matrix elements to any power.
PValues Returns a pointer to the real value stored at Row and Col.
Resize Resizes the matrix, while preserving the values in already allocated memory.
ResizeAndTranspose Resize and transpose.
Rotate90 Rotates matrix rows 90 degrees clockwise.
RowExchange Exchanges two matrix rows.
SaveToMatrixMarketFile Saves matrix data to MatrixMarket ASCII file format.
SetCol Copies values from vector to matrix column.
SetIt Sets matrix values.
SetRow Copies values from vector to matrix row.
SetVal Initializes matrix values to Value.
SetZero Initializes matrix values to zero.
Size Sets the size of matrix.
SizeFromArray Sizes the calling matrix to match the size of the array.
SizeToArray Sizes the Dst array to match the matrix.
SortAscend Sorts the elements in a matrix row(s) in ascending order.
SortDescend Sorts the elements in a matrix row(s) in descending order.
Split Splits matrix in blocks.
StringsToValues Convert strings to TSample (TCplx) and store them in the Values array.
SumCols Calculates the sum of each of the calling matrix columns.
SumRows Calculates the sum of each of the calling matrix rows.
SVD Singular value decomposition.
SVDSolve Calculates the minimum norm solution to a real linear least squares problem.
Sylvester Solves the Sylvester equation.
TensorProd Calculates the tensor product of two vectors.
Toeplitz Constructs a Toeplitz matrix.
Trace Matrix trace.
Transp Transposes matrix.
UpperTriangle Constructs upper triangular matrix.
ValuesToStrings Converts the content of the matrix Values array to a list of strings.
VanderMonde Construct VanderMonde matrix