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FFT Properties Download

Download FFT Properties v6 - Spectrum analyzer


The trial version of FFT Properties is available with limited functionality. The trial version becomes a full version with a correct registration key and by downloading a separate build. Because FFT Properties version 6 is a newer design, it does not yet fully replace the features in version 3. Version 6 is certified to work on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 and their 64bit variants. For Windows XP, you can try version 5.
FFT Properties v6.4 Last updated
32bit Windows trial version download. (30MB)
64bit Windows trial version download. (38MB)

For Windows Vista and newer!
Trial version expires after 30 days. Check the release history here.
09th January, 2022

Users Manual (2MB)

09th January, 2022


FFT Properties v5.5 Last updated
32bit Windows trial version download. (26MB)
64bit Windows trial version download. (30MB)

For Windows XP and newer!
Trial version expires after 30 days. Check the release history here.
1 February, 2015

Users Manual (2MB)

31 March, 2009
Flash Video for Quick Start with version 5. (2MB)
Computing signal to noise ratio. (2min long screen video) 
31 January, 2008

FFT Properties v3.5 Last updated
Trial version (3MB).
Trial version with limited length of FFT.
22 September, 2005
Updated documents from the original release of FFT properties 3.5
22 September, 2005


By using our Dew Lab Studio components for Visual Studio or Borland Developers Studio (Delphi, Borland BCB), you can write your own custom made frequency analyzer. We can also customize the application for you to meet the specific needs.