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Dew Signal for .NET
TStatsBuffer Class

Abstract class for storing statistics computed from Input data.

Visual Basic
public class TStatsBuffer : TSignal;


The computation can be customized within an event or also with user specified math expression. Each computation returns one scalar value computed from the input vector. 

The values computed are stored in the Data property. When the buffering is reset, the next value will again be written at Data[0]. When Data vector is full, the Update function returns pipeOK and no longer pipeStream. pipeOK is returned once, then the counters are reset again to start writing at Data[0]. 

The component usually connected to the Input of this component is TSignalBuffer. TSignalBuffer.StrideLength is automatically assigned to the StrideLength property in this case. StrideLength property defines the sampling frequency of the output data as: SamplingFrequency := Input.SamplingFrequency/StrideLength; StrideLength defines the step in number of samples between consecutive windows of data from which the statistical parameters are computed. The Length of the windows is specified with the Input.Length property.

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