You are here: Symbol Reference > AudioSignal Namespace > Classes > TAudioSignal Class > public
DSP Master VCL

The public members of the TAudioSignal class are listed here.

The property holds any error message after an error has occured. 
Number of buffers filled with data to be processed, since the start of the processing. 
Number of buffers actually processed, since the start of the processing. 
Number of buffers queued, to be processed, since the start of the processing. 
Returns total number of samples elapsed since start of the processing. 
This is ElapsedTime, a member of class TAudioSignal. 
Returns a list of CoreAudio devices.  
This is the overview for the MonitorData method overload. 
This is MonitorOutput, a member of class TAudioSignal. 
To ensure skip free recording an playback, audio buffers must have some minimum size. 
To ensure skip free recording an playback, audio buffers must have some minimum size. 
Start playback/recording. 
Returns True, if the signal is Stereo. 
Stop processing at once. 
Process all pending buffers and then stop. 
Recalculate request. 
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