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Dew Math for .NET
TCplx Methods

The methods of the TCplx class are listed here.

This is Compare, a member of class TCplx. 
This is CompareTo, a member of class TCplx. 
This is Equals, a member of class TCplx. 
This is FromObject, a member of class TCplx. 
This is GetHashCode, a member of class TCplx. 
This is GetTypeCode, a member of class TCplx. 
This is IsComplex, a member of class TCplx. 
This is op_Round, a member of class TCplx. 
This is op_Trunc, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToBoolean, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToByte, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToChar, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToDateTime, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToDecimal, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToDouble, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToInt16, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToInt32, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToInt64, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToSByte, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToSingle, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToString, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToType, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToUInt16, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToUInt32, a member of class TCplx. 
This is ToUInt64, a member of class TCplx. 
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